Why I voted for Donald Trump: Part 1

Just what does a vote signify anyway? What are you doing?!?! When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to choose one candidate above another…. well… maybe we aren’t in quite such historic straights yet. However, there has been a rather large amount of confusion, acrimony, and derogation regarding this election. I shall... Continue Reading →

Why I voted for Donald Trump: Part 2

Characterizing the Characters Politeness and truth-telling The screeching roar of the news that I’ve heard focuses on only a few points, one of which is character. As Joe Biden himself said, “Character is on the ballot. Compassion is on the ballot. Decency, science, democracy, they’re all on the ballot.” Trump is known for his raucous... Continue Reading →

Why I voted for Donald Trump: Part 3

Corruption and Crookedness A special incidence of character, at least from a Christian point of view, is corruption. This larger topic I’ve given its own hearing. The current election season has raised the bar for the amount of corruption allegations to look at. This is not because of a lack of questioned governmental activity in... Continue Reading →

Why I voted for Donald Trump: Part 4

The Issues Well this is going to get even more abbreviated. COVID Did Trump kill 220,000 Americans? Did Trump save 2,000,000 Americans? No, I rather think both claims are hogwash. So how did Trump do? Well, he did take stronger, earlier action than any previous president in closing the borders. But then, I think, he... Continue Reading →

If Evil then What? Pt 2

The POE’s relevance to Christianity There are three core doctrines of Christianity, the existence of God, God’s triunity, and Jesus’ death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind. None of these doctrines are directly threatened by the PoE. The being ‘God’ could act unethically, but still be God, still be triune, and Jesus could still... Continue Reading →

If Evil then What? Pt 1

The Problem of Evil The Argument Evil, fact or fiction, actual or apparition, is the most persistent, pernicious problem in the world (but alliteration is not an evil - just sayin!!!). One might say it is the only problem, as it seems evil simply is the trouble we face—the acknowledgement that things are not as... Continue Reading →

Context, Context, Context: Marriage Pt 8

What's next? We have covered quite a bit of ground so far. We have questioned what marriage is. We have investigated what humans are. We have examined what singleness might be. However, we still haven’t answered those questions about the essence or exercise of marriage. So, are we gonna talk about marriage now or what?... Continue Reading →

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